Co-facilitator in Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP)
SAWTEE in February 2018 joined the Nepal Agricultural Market Development Programme (NAMDP), branded as Sahaj, as a co-facilitator. Sahaj is a bilateral initiative between the Government of Switzerland and the Government of Nepal and is being jointly implemented by Swisscontact and Center for Environmental and Agricultural Policy Research, Extension and Development (CEAPRED). The programme with the aim to sustainably improve livelihoods of rural smallholders, especially disadvantaged groups and women-headed households, through their participation in commercial agriculture and ‘interconnected markets’, has identified three value chains (Goat, Vegetables and Maize) and two cross sectors (Post-Harvest and Crop Protection) for intervention. SAWTEE will help Sahaj identify policy shortcomings in the identified areas as well as implement policy interventions for market systems development.