Gender Dimensions of Trade Facilitation: Evidence from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal
The COVID-19 pandemic-induced disruptions have had an all-encompassing impact on the lives and livelihoods in Nepal. Previous experiences with disasters and crises have shown that their impacts are gendered –affecting men and women differently. The women entrepreneurs not only have to deal with the economic slowdown owing to the shutdown of the business activities and the restricted mobility but also face additional care burden due to socially-prescribed gendered norms, traditions and cultures. The existing challenges add to the ongoing lack of access to finance and information on business and trade opportunities that already disproportionately limit women entrepreneurs’ ability to bounce back from setbacks, the pandemic has added to the women entrepreneurs’ woes and financial vulnerability. However, some entrepreneurs have utilized the pandemic to venture into digital commerce and developed new product portfolio and demonstrated their ability to innovate and adapt.
Considering the need to examine the impact of the pandemic on the women entrepreneurs’ ability to do business and potential means of recovery, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics and Environment (SAWTEE), with the support from CUTS International, undertook a small-scale survey of women entrepreneurs. This webinar aimed to share the findings of the survey and get feedback for policy recommendations from the entrepreneurs, policymakers, policy practitioners, academicians, civil society, among others. The main objective of the webinar was to add to the existing efforts to lend an evidence-backed voice to the efforts towards mainstreaming gender-responsive policies and actions required for building resilient business ecosystem.
Date: 04 March 2021 (Thursday) Time: 2.30--4.00 PM NPT