Nepal ranked 108th in latest Doing Business Report
World Bank has published its most recent Doing Business Report 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency. The document provides a new conceptual framework incorporating efficiency as well as quality and additional categories measuring aspects of quality including strengths of legal rights, depth of credit information, minority shareholders’ rights, and strengths of legal framework for insolvency have been included. According to the report, out of 189 countries surveyed, Singapore has been judged to offer the best business environment.
Compared to last year, Nepal improved a rank moving up from 109thto 108th out of 189 countries. Sri Lanka (ranked 99th) was adjudged as the only country in SAARC to be ranked higher than Nepal. Out of 10 categories measuring ease of doing business, Nepal fared best in registering property ranking 27th out of 189 countries. The report also mentions that in the last year, Nepal adopted a new building regulation, introduced electronic platforms for obtaining building permits and improved building inspection process.
The report is available here...