Trade, climate change and food security programme
Following extensive consultations with stakeholders in three events, held in the last two years, SAWTEE and Oxfam Novib have launched a two-year Trade, Climate Change and Food Security Programme in South Asia, beginning 1 October 2010. The programme’s broad vision is to contribute to making trade and climate change negotiations and outcomes fair, inclusive, equitable and mutually supportive for ensuring food security in South Asia.
The programme aims to monitor trade liberalization and climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives; lobby at national, regional and international levels for appropriate strategies and measures to make trade and climate negotiations and outcomes supportive of food security goals; strengthen the capacity of governments and non-governmental organizations, including community-based organizations, and farmer and consumer groups in addressing trade, climate change and food security issues; and expand and strengthen networking and partnership with relevant stakeholders, including policy makers.
The programme includes action and policy research, including country case studies, on issues such as effective operationalization of the food bank in South Asia; regional seed bank; and regional trade in food and agricultural products, and environmental goods and services.