Diagnostic Study of Services Subsectors and Their Potential for Development expansion of Export Market
Under the Nepal Economic, Agriculture and Trade (NEAT) Activity implemented by Chemonics International with support of USAID, SAWTEE is conducting a diagnostic study of selected services sub-sectors to assess the potential for development/expansion of export markets and identify market access barriers in their exports. The study will aid in the identification of potential markets for the chosen services sectors, barriers to export in those markets, as well as required reforms at the domestic level. More importantly, the study will identify issues that the least-developed country members of the WTO like Nepal can put forth during GATS negotiations to seek waiver from developed and developing country members as per the decision of the Eighth Ministerial of the WTO. Based on literature review, interaction with relevant stakeholders, and discussion with the Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Government of Nepal, the services sectors chosen for the study are Computer services, Education, Health, Labour services and Tourism.