Nepal Case Study for The European Development Report 2012-2013

In May-August 2012, SAWTEE and the Centre for the Study of Labour and Mobility (CESLAM) of the Social Science Baha (SSB) jointly prepared the Nepal case study to be included in the European Development Report (EDR) 2012-2013. The theme of the EDR is “Development in a Changing World: Elements for a Post-2015 Global Agenda,” and includes case studies from four low-income countries, including Nepal.

The Nepal case study has sought to discuss a range of issues: Nepal’s socio-economic development trajectory starting in the early 1990s; Nepal’s progress in terms of achieving a number of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) targets and the role of external actors in helping Nepal achieve them; the main constraints and opportunities facing the country; how external actors, mainly the European Union (EU) can support national development strategies; and most importantly how external drivers—finance, trade and investment, migration and technology transfer—influence governance, accountability and relations.