Ms Dikshya Singh, Programme
Coordinator of SAWTEE, participated in the Eighth South and South-West Asia
Forum on Sustainable Development, co-hosted by the NITI Aayog of the Government
of India and ESCAP, in collaboration with the UN Resident Coordinator and the
Research and Information System for Developing Countries, India from 12—14
November 2024 in New Delhi, India. The forum offered a unique opportunity for
multiple stakeholders to exchange information and reflections on SDG
implementation efforts in countries and to draw common priorities and issues
across the South and South-West Asia subregion. The outcomes and
recommendations from the Forum will feed into regional and global processes,
including the abovementioned APFSD and HLPF in the following year. Ms Singh
also participated as a panellist at the side event ’Addressing the Digital
Divide for Women in South and South-West Asia’ that discussed the key
barriers women in South and South-West Asia face in accessing digital
technologies and the urgent interventions required to bridge this divide.