Mr. Dipak Gyawali

Former Minister for Water Resources, Nepal

Mr. Gyawali, a hydroelectric power engineer and political economist, is an academician at Nepal Academy of Science and Technology and is Chair, Nepal Water Conservation Foundation and Interdisciplinary Analysts. Mr. Gyawali conducts interdisciplinary research at the interface of technology and society. As Minister of Water Resources in 2002/2003, he completed the privatization of Butwal Power Company. In the same term, his initiatives led to empowerment of rural communities by giving control over local distribution to rural consumers.

He was a management specialist to Myanmar Government’s Ayeyarwadi Integrated River Basin Management Project recently and has been on the advisory board of various universities and international organizations. He chaired the EU’s review of its water research funding between FP4 to FP6 as well as the review of UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program IHP-6.  He reviewed UNESCO IHE-Delft in 2007 as well as 2012 and 2016 for both institutional aspects and course standards.

He was on the steering committee of Mekong’s MPower and is on the advisory committee of UNESCO’s World Water Assessment Program as well as the IDS Sussex STEPs Center. His latest publication (with Michael Thompson and Marco Verweij (eds.)) is Aid, Technology and Development: the lessons from Nepal, EARTHSCAN 2017.


List of speakers will be updated as we get confirmations